I adore this collection. Those creams and whites mixed with the warm browns occasionally throughout and then the splash of colour in the flower print on the back of semi transparent shirt = absolutelllly wonderful. This collection is better than morphine yeh, its uber relaxing. Source: style.com
Knight Cat just has shed some light on what was a SLIGHTLY irksome problem. For some months I had several pictures saved of some street fashion snaps of this one girl who I thought had ze best style I'd seen going in a while and I had sighed to myself and wondered "who is this beauty who has ensnared my partialities so completely?" many a time (usually whilst staring into the distant horizon, nursing my brandy with show tunes playing softly in the background - yes I'm that kind of drunk). I had resigned myself to never knowing. BUT THEN! In my saturday-night-no-money-because-you-spent-it-last-night-and-on-ebay-so-now-you-must-sit-at-home-bordeom I decided to peruse my list of usual blogs. And there she was on knight cats blog - with a name put to her face no less. My street style muse is... Pamela Love. This may not make for very interesting reading but I tell you people, it has certainly made my evening far more fruitful than anticipated. So naturally upon discovering the identity of this goddess, I googled her like you wouldn't believe. Here now are the results of my forage. Enjoy. Thanks knight cat, you have made me very happy! Sources: Refinery29, knight cat, google.